Buy One Get One 50% off on a schedule and with discounting lowest priced item priority

Type: Email Question 06-08-2024

Products Discussed: Mix Or Match App



Could we have a free trial to see if this works for the offers we are trying to create? We would like to make a Buy One Get One 50% off offer on all of our drinks for a specific time of the day. Can we make the offer apply on all of our drinks but the 50% off applies only on the lower cost item.

I would like to do the buy one get one 50% off offer but for some reason the 50% is being applied to the more expensive item when I want it to apply to the cheaper item of the two. Is there a way we can do this?

CSI Works:
Yes. There is a free 30 days trial. to install the app follow this link

Yes this is possible to setup buy one get one 50% off and choose how discount is applied. On the last step of the discount setup you can choose which items are prioritized for discount:
– Lowest price first
– Highest Price first
– Alphabetically.

Here is a video showing you how to do it: