Can I Use a Completely Mobile Handheld Barcode Scanner with Clover?

Call Type: Pre-sale Support Call 

Call Reported On: 4/4/019

Products Discussed: Barcode Scanner/ Clover Flex

Problem Statement:

Clover Support Agent: The barcode parser worked when we scanned it on the internal, built-in scanner but not the external scanner.

CSI Works Pre-sale Support: If it doesn’t work with the external scanner, that means that you didn’t buy the scanner from Clover. You have to buy it from Clover. Give them a call. Other scanners won’t work.

Clover Support Agent: The only problem is that they want handheld, and this doesn’t have handheld.

CSI Works Pre-sale Support: Clover has a handheld solution.


Clover Support Agent: No no, something that they can pick up from the counter and take it to the ground like for if there’s any heavy stuff. The salesperson wants a completely handheld mobile scanner that they can take anywhere in the store. Not one that connects by a wire.



CSI Works Pre-sale Support: Sell them a Flex.  Clover Flex can do that, but for the station, they need to either use a built-in barcode scanner, because the scanner that they have is not gonna work. They have to buy from Clover, since it has special codes in it. If the merchant needs something to walk around in the store with, sell them a Flex.

CSI Works Pre-sale Support: You have two solutions. 

Our official recommendation is to buy the Clover Flex. It can scan a barcode and add it to an order so that you can proceed with checkout when the customer has a heavy item far from the station.

Clover Support Agent: How about the tickets. This is like a traditional grocery store type of deal, and sometimes we have very heavy, 40-lb items that have arrived. So, while the customer is checking out all these items, if the merchant picks up a clover flex then the big item will go on a seperate ticket, it won’t go on the same ticket. 

CSI Works Pre-sale Support: Don’t worry about having multiple transactions, the Flex can add onto a transaction that was started at the Station, so there will only be one receipt.  We have a demonstration video.  

The other solution is to connect the Clover handheld usb scanner using USB-over-WiFi technology. We haven’t tested this solution, but it might work for you.

Clover Support Agent: Please text me the demonstration video.