How to Account for Varying Weights and Prices on Clover

Call Type: Pre-sale Support 

Call Reported On: 9/22/20

Products Discussed: Variable Price Barcode Parser


Agent: I have a customer using deli scales that print labels.  This is what we need to be able to do and I hope your app can help:


They input the barcode for the product (for example, Bacon) and the weigh & price info.  After they weigh the products in the future, when the barcode is scanned, the POS needs to be able to read the barcode as the product (bacon) and the correct price based upon what the scale printed.  Can this app work for Clover?  Will it account for varying weights & pricing?


Solution Proposition:

CSI Works Support: Yes, there is an app that will do this. You need Variable Price Barcode Parser.