Variable Price Barcode Parser App Enables Clover to Read Complex Barcodes

Variable Price Barcode Parser App Enables Clover to Read Complex Barcodes

SAN DIEGO, CA, January 6, 2021 – The Variable Price Barcode Parser App allows Clover to expand its capabilities when reading price embedded barcodes. 

If a user were to scan a price embedded barcode without having the software implemented into Clover, then the item scanned would not be found in the system. Instead, Clover would just display the barcode’s entire string of numbers. 

If you were to cancel out of the same transaction, then enable the our program, and run the same transaction again, then the program will be able to determine within the barcode the item’s information. This would make the user able to determine the price per unit transaction and make the checkout process convenient.

This video will show you how the Variable Price Barcode Parser App actually functions. This video demonstrates how Clover behaves without CSIWorks Variable Price Barcode Parser App implemented. Then, demonstrates how Clover behaves with CSIWorks Variable Price Barcode Parser App implemented.

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00:10 Inventory  

00:23 Sample Barcode

00:46 Disable Variable Price Barcode Parser App Scan

01:07 Enable Variable Price Barcode Parser App Scan


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USA, San Diego, CA, 92192
(619) 246-8236 (Recorded Line)

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