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Available in Canada and the United States

Inventory Plus Plus | cloud IMS

Manage EBT Items and Transaction. Manage Tobacco Items. Offer EBT Food Bucks


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Why Use Inventory Plus Plus | With EBT Support

Merchants now can opt to Accept and Offer Double UP EBT/SNAP Food Bucks

Find out if your business qualifies to offer EBT/SNAP Double Up program in your state. Click Here

More than half the United states offers funding sources to provide consumres with fresh produce fruits and vegetables. To find out if your state offers this benefit to merchants click here

Inventory Plus Plus expands you capabilities of properly managing EBT Items.

When merchants accept EBT Payment Type. They need to comply with the requirements. Not all items are approved for EBT Payment. There are tax implications. Inventory plus plus enables merchants to properly manage that workflow in Clover.

Inventory Plus Plus helps with Tobacco Items for Tobacco Scan Data

Merchants who Participate in Tobacco Scan Data, recieve Inventory plus plus at no additional cost. The app enables merchants to maintain all required information about tobacco products that is required for Tobacco Scan Data.

Web Interface to mas edit inventory items.

Web interface included with inventory plus plus is capable of easy navigation, robust item editing capabilities including mass item edit. Merchants who utilize Tobacco Scan Data can automatically update item infromation from our common tobacco items database.

Features and Functions

EBT/SNAP Double Up Food Bucks Reporting

Double UP Coupon Issuance, Redemption, Tracking

EBT Split Functionality with Taxes Managed

Additional Fields for Tobacco Scan Data Items

Web Interface for Mast Item Edit

Auto Item Creation

Add customer field type: Yes/No field

Add customer field type: Drop down list

Modify product information managment

Add customer field type: Text

Workflow automation

Automate item creation during checkout

Works on Smart POS Devices

Web Interface


API for POS Developers

Interacts With Other Software
Inventory ++ has workflow capabilities to interact with register checkout process. When merchant scans an item that is not found in their POS system Inventory ++ will take over and automatically create the item while prompting the merchant only for the total price of an item rather than asking the user to enter the whole item information.
Inventory ++ is completely integrated with Clover Inventory object. All additional functionality of our app enhances what Clover Inventory app has but does not break it.
Inventory ++ works with Tobacco Scan Data app by CSI Works. It provides additional information about items that are required for Tobacco Scan Data reporting.
Interacts with other hardware

The functionality of Inventory++ is limited to the Smart POS device, there is no other hardware interaction.

Known Limitations
Video Demos & FAQS

Watch this video to learn more about EBT/SNAP Double Up Food Bucks Functionality on inventory++

Watch this video to learn more about how to use the Inventory++ app to do scan data reporting on Clover.

Watch this video to learn more about how to use the Inventory++ app to customize inventory objects on Clover.

Invetory plus plus | cloud ims features and functions.

Developer Written FAQS
Crowdsourced FAQS
  • @csiworks

    Post your questions. See questions by others.

  • #inventory++

    Use this hashtag on social media and we'll respond.

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