
Available in Canada and the United States

Advanced Fees

Trigger Fees Automatically or Conditionally. line-item fees or order level fee. One fee or many fees

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Why Use the Advanced Fees App?

Because it offers functionality that native Clover POS lacks.

Clover Native Setup enables merchants to setup automatic fees that are applied to the entire order and can only be expressed in dollar value not in %. Using Advanced Fees App, merchants can setup fees and automatically apply these fees to line item rather than entire order. Merchants can setup such fees either with % from item price or dollar amount. Merchants can also setup a fee which is not applied automatically but rather prompts the checkout clerk to confirm or deny fee trigger.

Featurers and Functions

Create fees expressed in %

Automatically apply fees

Trigger fees based on conditions

Prompt fees at checkout or automatically

line-item fees

Multiple fees to choose from

Works on Smart POS Devices


Not Supported


Not Supported


Not Supported


Not Supported

Interacts with other software
When register is started and at least one item is placed into it the Fees app will engage and execute its function based on settings provided by merchant. This includes asking merchant to confirm if fee is need or not in this particular transaction.
Advanced fee app is capable of creating fees specific to items. In that context merchants select items during the fee setup to indicate which items will get the fee. Non inventory item is also used to express order level fee as a flat fee rather than calculated %.
For credit card surcharge scenario Advanced fee app works with Setup app by Clover to provide complete fee solution.
Fees created with Advanced fee app are reflected in Reporting app by clover.
Interacts with other hardware

The functionality of Advanced Fees is limited to the Smart POS device, there is no other hardware interaction.

Known Limitations
Video Demos & FAQS

Advanced Fees app for Clover. | How to apply line item fees automatically on Clover.

Written & Audio Explainers & FAQ
Developer Written FAQS
This app gives retailers the ability to automatically trigger line item fees on Clover pos systems (Any clover device).

Once you install the app on your clover hardware you can open the app and create the fee and trigger conditions and assign items.

Crowdsourced FAQS
  • @csiworks

    Post your questions. See questions by others.

  • #advancedfees

    Use this hashtag on social media and we'll respond.

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